My flats and darks are brighter than my lights [Deep Sky] Processing techniques · Bruce Reichert · ... · 2 · 185 · 0

I was using Siril for preprocessing and when calibrating my lights I was getting an error message that 99% of my pixels have negative values after subtracting darks. After some troubleshooting I found that the average pixel values of my darks and biases were about three times higher then the background of my lights. I retook my biases to check if my lens cap was not fitting correctly and the new biases were no different. How is this possible? Has anyone else experienced this? As a work around I stretched the lights and then performed calibration, but there must be some explanation of why my darks and biases are too bright.
andreatax 7.90
·  1 like
The most likely explanation is that the lights were taken with rather different settings (offset and gain) than the bias/darks. As a workaround add the required offset to the lights.
Thank you, and I believe your correct. I took all the calibration frames a day after taking my lights and I must have changed settings.
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