Comet shooting - DSLR or mono ? [Deep Sky] Acquisition techniques · DanyJrt · ... · 2 · 148 · 0

DanyJrt 1.43
Hi all,

I plan to shoot C/2021 S3 Panstarrs in the upcomming days and I'm torn regarding the choice of camera.

The two options available to me are either to shoot mono, with the ASI2600 MM pro and 3nm Antlia filters, or to shoot OSC using a DSLR (Canon Eos Ra).

Shooting OSC is easier in a sense that I won't have to refocus between each frame but the thermal noise is quite heavy.
On the other hand, shooting mono will allow me to have a better SNR, but as I am using the AsiAir Plus and no NINA, I won't be able to set filters offsets meaning I will have to refocus between every filter. If I choose to go with a LRLGLB -and-repeat sequence, I'll spend more time refocusing than shooting. Instead, I still could go 10xR, 10xG, 10xB, 10xL...

Which option would you choose ?
andreatax 7.90
I would always chose a DSLR for these sort of things (or an OSC camera), only I wouldn't chose that specific camera. Sorry!
MaksPower 0.00
·  1 like
OSC, because most comets drift so fast that if using mono camera to do RGB, the movement between frames implies the subs won't align properly - either the comet, or the stars, will show a rainbow effect.

Alternatively shoot full--spectrum luminance only (ie monocrhome) and forget the color altogether.
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