Intro to Momo - Non-cooled camera [Deep Sky] Acquisition techniques · Craig Dixon · ... · 7 · 182 · 0

craigdixon1986 2.15
I've been imaging with a OSC camera (ASI533MC Pro) for a while now but I'm looking to have a go at mono. In an ideal world, I'd buy a ASI2600MM Pro with LRGB SHO filter set and wheel but money doesn't grow on trees. I have the opportunity to buy an Altair 183M from a friend for £250 so this is a tempting way in. However, I'm concerned that as it's only fan cooled, is it worth the effort. This sensor does produce amp glow so dark frames are going to be important.

Does anyone use a non cooled mono camera for DSO imaging and if so, how do you deal with calibration files?

andreatax 7.90
·  1 like
Main advice is: DON'T. Beside that, the IMX183 isn't a very good sensor, quite noisy (RTF and RON) and less than 12bit of dynamics. Save up for the real thing or at least the IMX533MM based ones which can be had at a reasonable price.
craigdixon1986 2.15
Thanks for your input. I do keep coming back to the 533 as it does seem like a much better choice but I already have a 533MC Pro so it seems like I'd be missing out of expanding my FOV options with another 533. 2600MM is the one to get for sure but nothing comes cheap these days.
p0laris 0.00
andrea tasselli:
Main advice is: DON'T. Beside that, the IMX183 isn't a very good sensor, quite noisy (RTF and RON) and less than 12bit of dynamics. Save up for the real thing or at least the IMX533MM based ones which can be had at a reasonable price.

That is exactly what I did - I went for an IMX533MM and haven't regretted taking that step since. It's a fairly cheap mono camera, and you can even combine it with images taken with your 533MC Pro.

Of course, the price gap between the used 183 that you are referring to and a new IMX533MM is big enough, but I'd just save up for the 533 if I were you. Don't forget: you'll also need filters and a filter drawer or filter wheel.
Vs42 0.00
IMX 533 is much newer sensor(especially in terms of temperature noise). Maybe you can sell your OSC and get 533 Mono, spending a little bit? 

My point main goal of cooling camera not lower temperature, but stable temperature! It's much more important for calibration.
craigdixon1986 2.15
I must admit, I do love my 533MC Pro, it's a great camera. I'm not looking to switch to mono though but rather run a mono rig alongside. With so many cloudy nights, I thing OSC is much better for me but I'd like to get into mono. Thanks for all the advice. it looks like waiting for a 2600 of 533 is the consensus.
craigdixon1986 2.15
So, a follow-up question... What size filters for 2600MM Pro. Minimum 36mm?
andreatax 7.90
·  1 like
Yep. Although it also depends on how fast is the scope and the distance filter to sensor. With your MN you'll be allright with 36mm.
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