Filters: IDAS LPS D3 vs Optolong L-Pro Generic equipment discussions · Daniel Arenas · ... · 57 · 3479 · 13

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Which filter do you think is better for an OSC camera like the ASI 2600 MC Pro?
Optolong L-Pro
andreatax 7.90
·  1 like
Sorry, no insult intended. Where I came from Andrea is normally a female name.

No offense taken. Just dotting the i' and dashing the t', as a manner of speaking...
how old is your L-extreme filter? They may have finally fixed their issue.

About 4 months old, got it at the end of October 2022.
astrodawg 3.01
andrea tasselli:
Sorry, no insult intended. Where I came from Andrea is normally a female name.

No offense taken. Just dotting the i' and dashing the t', as a manner of speaking...
how old is your L-extreme filter? They may have finally fixed their issue.

About 4 months old, got it at the end of October 2022.

That makes sense. Mine was from  Oct 2021. I think the L-extreme had been around for at least a year by then. There were a lot of complaints about halos, so they may have finally fixed the issue.
sknarberg 1.81
Daniel Arenas:

I'm considering to by a filter for an OSC camera (that I'll by shortly too), the ASI 2600 MC Pro. I'm shooting in a Bortle 5 sky and I wanted something less restrictive than L-enhance or L-extreme.

I'm comparing the IDAS LPS D3 and the Optolong L-Pro but I'm not able to understant the differences between both. Any of you can help me to consider one better than the other?. I share the graphics here with the information of both.


LPS-D3(measured value 2A21030501).jpg


It seems that the IDAS LPS D3 can avoid blue LED lights and L-Pro can't but what about the rest?

Thanks a lot!

I have the Optolong L-Pro and I am having issues with halos on all scopes I have tried this filter with.

Clear skies, Steen
StuartT 4.69
·  1 like
andrea tasselli:
Sorry, no insult intended. Where I came from Andrea is normally a female name.

No offense taken. Just dotting the i' and dashing the t', as a manner of speaking...
how old is your L-extreme filter? They may have finally fixed their issue.

About 4 months old, got it at the end of October 2022.

That makes sense. Mine was from  Oct 2021. I think the L-extreme had been around for at least a year by then. There were a lot of complaints about halos, so they may have finally fixed the issue.

That's interesting. My L Extreme produces marked halos on bright stars at f/5.4 (but not enough to put me off using it!). I bought mine in Sept 2021. So it does sound like the newer ones are better.
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Mau_Bard 3.01
Stuart Taylor:
andrea tasselli:
Sorry, no insult intended. Where I came from Andrea is normally a female name.

No offense taken. Just dotting the i' and dashing the t', as a manner of speaking...
how old is your L-extreme filter? They may have finally fixed their issue.

About 4 months old, got it at the end of October 2022.

That makes sense. Mine was from  Oct 2021. I think the L-extreme had been around for at least a year by then. There were a lot of complaints about halos, so they may have finally fixed the issue.

That's interesting. My L Extreme produces marked halos on bright stars at f/5.4 (but not enough to put me off using it!). I bought mine in Sept 2021. So it does sound like the newer ones are better.

I suspect you are right Stuart. My L-eXtreme is dated late 2020 and the halos are there, undoubtedly. I was reading that Optolong had halo problems on the L-ultimate in beta testing phase, that were solved in the generally available release. Probably and hopefully they fixed the L-eXtreme as well.
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Ulli_K 0.90
I have the older IDAS D2 and the Optolong L-Pro.
I did a side-by side comparison in the same night. You can find the results here:

The combination is very intersting, because it acts a bite like a broad Tri-Band filter

JethroXP 2.39
·  1 like
As an additional data point, my L-eXtreme with the halo problem is also an early version, obtained in early 2021 so likely produced in late 2020.

I have found that with the L-Pro, the halos are more pronounced at faster speeds, really bad at f/2, noticeable at f/4.9, and not really and issue (so far) at f/7.  So I’ve replaced the L-Pro with an LPS-D3 in my RASA, but still use it for my RedCat and EdgeHD.

I did pick up an L-Ultimate for my EdgeHD, but have only had one brief opportunity to use it, and there weren’t any particularly bright stars in the field.  Hopefully I’ll get another opportunity on Orion before it goes away for the season to give it a good test.
velociraptor1 2.71
I seen L-Pro filter killls the faint details of galaxies or broadbard targets like reflection nebulae.
I haven't used IDAS filter but my choice for L-Pro will only when you are using F4 or faster setup.

I used L-Pro with GSO 6 inch RC with reducer and results for galaxies were not great for me.
I imaged galaxies from Bortle 6-7 sky zone with short exposures.
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