NINA sequencer issues Stefan Berg Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy (N.I.N.A. / NINA) · RammaN · ... · 21 · 960 · 4

RammaN 0.00
Hello, I have recently created a sequence with the nina framing tool. Ive saved the sequence for use on multiple nights. When i re load the sequence, the option to center the target and correct the rotation does not work. I just goes straight to guiding and then exposure. I have reset the progress on the sequence and that does not change the issue. I have noticed that the slew to target and center are greyed out. Rotation is not but it still does not plate solve or give me the correct direction to turn for rotation.

I would like to re image the target with a second telescope of different focal length, i that an issue? My image sequence was originally shot at 390 mm this time ive started the sequence with a 340mm fl is that a problem?

thanks for the help!
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cratervanawesome 0.00
Have you reset the sequence? If you were half way through and start again it will attempt to resume.  you can reset the entire sequence or individual steps with the little reload icon in the top right of each instruction or the entire sequence. Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 10.20.31 AM.png
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jratino 0.00
·  1 like
This may be too simple of an answer, but is your mount connected?  If not, they may not show up, ie be grayed out.
Reg_00 8.83
Have you connected either the manual or an electronic rotator in the equipment section? Have you double checked that your platesolving settings in NINA are correct?

Using the same seq for diffrrent systems is not a problem as long as your using a different equipment profile for each system so NINA knows the focal length for plate solving.
RammaN 0.00
Yes i did reset the sequence. After that it will not slew, or center target. It skips to guiding and then imaging.
eigenVector 1.51
Nina has a discord server where they offer great support for things like that.
Check it out here:
RammaN 0.00
Yes plate solving wirks manually. I did not select a rotator in the equipment tab. I do have a manual rotator, do i have to select that in the rotator under equipment?
RammaN 0.00
The options were greyed out, manual plate solve seemed to work. I uce cartes du ceil as my mini pc cannot run anything else proplery. It seemed to sync cdc properly.
michaelbroyles 0.00
·  1 like
Anytime that I have experienced issues with centering and plate solving I found that the telescope was not connected in Nina.  

It shouldn’t be an issue reusing sequence for different FL but for plate solving make sure correct FL is on option tab.

RammaN 0.00
Yes ive changed the fl to the new fl as plate solve would not work otherwise. I will try again possibly the mount connection dropped for some reason. I have restarted the sequence before to soot 4 nights of HA and OIII, i changed scopes and then it wont allow me to center or align rotation🤷‍♂️
linuxkidd 0.00
Hi RammaN,
  The only thing that comes to mind on why the option would be greyed out is if the 'power' button has been clicked in the expanded options for the instruction.  This 'power' icon button disables that instruction in the sequence without removing it.

This is accessed ( to enact the disable ) by clicking the 3 dots on the far right side of the instruction:

Then, after you click that 'power' icon, you'll see the collapsed version of the instruction is greyed out, and it has a 'power' icon button on the far right.


If you click it, it'll re-enable the instruction.

If this doesn't seem to be the issue, would be helpful to include a screenshot ( or template file ) attachment in the forum..

Hope this helps!
RammaN 0.00
Thank you i will look into this tonight!!
linuxkidd 0.00
Also, if you don't have a rotator, be sure to use the 'Slew and center' instruction.. not the 'Slew, Center and Rotate' instruction.  The latter will not run without a rotator connected in the equipment tab.
RammaN 0.00
Ahh this might be the issue. I am coming from sgp where you have to select rotator then add manual rotator and the software will tell you how much to rotate, what direction. 
 How would i set up nina for a manual rotator?
linuxkidd 0.00
Hi RammaN,
  You'd want to select 'Manual Rotator' in the equipment dialog for the rotator, then be sure it's connected ( The power button next to the rotator drop down ) before the sequence starts.. and then you -should- use the 'Slew, Center and Rotate' instruction.

RammaN 0.00
Ok then plate solve will center and will give me directions to rotate when solving?
linuxkidd 0.00
Ok then plate solve will center and will give me directions to rotate when solving?

That's the theory...   I have a rotator, so I've not tried this process personally.  I would also second the recommendation from above to check out the NINA discord.  I've had amazing interactions with the team there, including having bugs fixed and new processes created (auto-balancing exposures) in real time.
RammaN 0.00
·  1 like
Thank you for all the help, i will join the discord
CAPastrophotography 0.90
·  1 like
If you are using NINA's Manual Rotator it will tell you how far off you are in the first step of the plate solve, it also tells you in which direction to rotate. It will keep popping up to rotate until you are within your rotation tolerance. Your rotation tolerance can be found in the Plate Solving page of the Options section. Good luck!

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Codecutter 0.00
As mentioned above, if you have a manual rotator, in equipment configure the manual rotator. Then when you select slew centre and rotate, after centering NINA will prompt you with an angle and direction to rotate your OTA, each time you make an adjustment, click ok, it platesolves and displays another adjustment or continues the sequence if within rotation tolerance configured in options.
screetch82 0.90
you can also post your complete sequence here. Maybe this will help. otherwise see you in discord channel.
ishtiaqahmed9834 0.90
Hey there!

Ahmad here. It sounds like you're dealing with a slightly perplexing issue in N.I.N.A. I've encountered similar hitches while using different astrophotography software and while I'm not an expert on every nuance of N.I.N.A., I can try to help.

Firstly, about the focal length difference: The difference between 390mm and 340mm should generally be okay, especially if you are plate-solving. Plate solvers are typically good at handling differences in field of view. However, if the reference image you used for framing is very specific to the 390mm setup, then you might need to adjust your framing for the 340mm setup.

Here are a few troubleshooting steps to consider:

Plate Solver: Ensure that your plate solver settings in N.I.N.A. are correctly set up. A misconfigured plate solver can result in skipping the centering and rotation correction phase.

Telescope Sync: Sometimes, if the telescope isn't properly synced with the software, the 'slew to target' and 'center' options might be greyed out. Ensure your telescope driver and connection are stable and synced with N.I.N.A.

Recreate the Sequence: As tedious as it might sound, creating the sequence from scratch sometimes clears any glitches or issues that might be present in the saved sequence.

Software Update: Always a good idea to check, if you are using the latest version of N.I.N.A. Updates often fix various bugs.

Log Files: N.I.N.A. should be producing log files. These can give you clues if there's a specific error causing the issue. Also, the community or developers can help you pinpoint the problem using the logs.

Change in Setup: Since you're using a different telescope setup, you might want to reframe your target, especially if there are specific features or compositions you're aiming for. The field of view might be different enough to impact your final image composition.

Remember, astrophotography software can sometimes behave unpredictably due to a myriad of reasons – from hardware incompatibilities to driver issues. It's always a balance between troubleshooting and adapting to get the best results.

Hope these pointers help you get back on track. Clear skies and happy imaging!
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