How has your astro career progressed over the years? Anything goes · Chase Newtson · ... · 30 · 1625 · 76

skybob727 6.08
Ok, I'll chime in.

In the beginning it was a tripod and a DSLR.

Then in 2002, I got my first imaging setup. An FSQ106N and a Starlight Xpress SXV-H9M riding on an 8" LX200. Homemade tripod.
But the biggest upgrade was going from a cot to a tent.

The next upgrade was a bigger tent.

And now I use this with my current setups. 

And continuing.
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fabioh2o 0.00
·  1 like
Hi to all!
Just in last weeks i elaborated back old images...i think that in the past i was not able to finalize all potentialities ...bur now it seems much more better....
If you open images in diferent tabs and switch between tabs i think you can see the big differences....  M20 comparison   Helix new elab   Helix old elab  Cocoon new elab  Cocoon old elab   NGC2024 new elab   NGC2024 old elab    M16 new elab     M16 old elab

I think improvement are due mostly to Pixinsight long learning efforts.
palaback 0.90
For me the journey had several distinct phases. I am now going on my fourth year of serious imaging. First was just getting basics down on how to get mount, camera and scope to work properly, then how to strategize best way to figure out subs and exposures, then learning more about targets, and finally this last year in particular working hard on processing. I decided to learn pixinsight and it has really revolutionized my imaging. Way more than any new piece of equipment. I bought scopes mostly for visual and have managed to learn how to use them for imaging, (celestron 9.25” sct, Orion mn190 mak-newt, and a small refractor, tv-85). so for me the journey has been more about learning technique than getting new equipment.

This year this may change. I am hoping to finally have a functional remote observatory this year.  This could really change things dramatically since I no longer can image in back yard.  My observatory is in mountains about 30 minute drive from my apartment. We have lots of cloudy or windy  nights so this should make it possible to,do a lot more imaging when there are short clearings. It’s been a fun journey and I can’t believe how much I have learned, yet there is so much more out there to see and learn, even without traveling to dark sites. though I hope to start doing that too.

also a goal right now is to reprocess all my worst images on astrobin, and to learn something new from each one in doing it. My gallery is pretty uneven right now!

M33 the Triangulum galaxy
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Apollyon 0.90
Photographed and processed in September 2021

Processed in January 2023, photographed in August 2022
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GreatAttractor 0.00
Some of my "before/after" examples. Improvements were possible thanks to bigger apertures/better cameras, more frequent imaging opportunities, and better feel for post-processing.

Sun in white light, 2011/2023

Sun in Hα, 2014/2023

Jupiter, 2011/2023
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WhooptieDo 9.35
Mike H:
Hey Brian, that IOTD was good. No bragging taken.  I had "liked" it when it came out. You have some good processing skills


Thanks Mike, still learning every day!  I presume you're talking about the Embryo image.  I got a little crazy with the denoise in that one, I want to go back and reprocess at some point.   About a month later, I got the one for Christmas Tree, but that was 'provided data', and it honestly processed itself lol
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