Hello from Cape Cod! Introduce yourself! · starpixels · ... · 2 · 82 · 0

starpixels 1.20

I joined Astrobin recently and uploaded a few images from last year, captured with a 60 mm refractor.  I’ll add some more recent images soon. The community here seems to be a great source of knowledge and inspiration and I look forward to learning more. Clear skies and happy new year everyone!

Askar FRA-300
Edited ...
shootnmskies20 4.40
Hi Matt, and welcome. You're in with a great bunch of hooligans at AB! We're all nuts about imaging and the wonder and awe that our work creates. And we're very free with our experience, too, so ask any questions you have.
Looking forward to your images!
- - Steve
WhooptieDo 9.35
Welcome!    Back in the late 2000's I used to live in the area, over in Sandwich.   Winters were almost too cold there! and always windy!   I remember never seeing my yard until April usually lol.

a 60mm scope paired with a 183 actually samples better than some 70mm scopes due to pixel size.   If you gather enough integration time, then drizzle your data, you might be surprised how much detail you can achieve!    I would definitely look into upgrading that camera once you build some experience however.  

Lookin forward to seeing what you create!
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