Contains:  Other
NGC4725 with asteroid (164) Eva, Станция Албирео

NGC4725 with asteroid (164) Eva



Here are the results of your search(es) in the requested field(s) :

The following objects, brighter than V = 20.0, were found in the 10.0-arcminute region around R.A. = 12 50, Decl. = +25 39 (J2000.0) on 2016 05 05.12 UT:

Object designation R.A. Decl. V Offsets Motion/hr Orbit Further observations?

h m s ° ' " R.A. Decl. R.A. Decl. Comment (Elong/Decl/V at date 1)

(164) Eva 12 50 30.0 +25 40 15 14.6 6.8E 1.2N 22- 9- 36o None needed at this time.



NGC4725 with asteroid (164) Eva, Станция Албирео

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