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The Silver Streak Galaxy...5020
NGC 1961 (Arp 184) group...221216
Abell 2151...6572218
NGC 1365 | The Great Barred Spiral in Fornax...25632964
Simeis 147 / SH2-240 - The Spaghetti Nebula (6 panel mosaic)...456117
NGC1365 (ESO 358-17) barred spiral in Ha LRGB...726422
CTB1- Starless in HA...39726
T-Tauri and NGC 1555...19583428
Seahorse Nebula - Barnard 150...57561
NGC 5689 Galaxy Group in Boötes...40344
Kemble's Cascade...400144
Hickson 44 (NGC 3190 & others)...11212
Galaxy group in Eridanus...787124
Vdb 7 - 8 - 9...16610
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... the Coma Galaxy Cluster wide field....27817
IC 4685 Catcher's Mitt Nebula, IC 1274, IC 1275, NGC 6559...570716
B150 Seahorse Nebula...52162
Sh2-308 in HaOiii...46662
LDN 1495 next to LBN 782 in Taurus...509192
NGC 83...364112
Medusa Nebula, Abell 21...19110
PK197.4-06.4 - a really faint planetary nebula in orion...14971120
IC443 Jelly Fish Nebula...35810
M35 / NGC 2168 w/NGC 2158...87010
Vdb 16 and tons of dust...39021
NGC 918 Behind the dust in Aries LRGB...52884
Crescent Nebula in Ha...30710
NGC 4656...23420
NGC 4568...24931
NGC 3718 (Arp 214)...2111279
Sharpless 2-308 Wolf-Rayet Star in Canis Major-NASA APOD...6171815
NGC 90...12510
NGC 100...20310
NGC 1073...15910
NGC 70...12581413
NGC 925...47266
NGC 3628...34821
Reflection Nebula VdB 134 & Planetary PLN 86+5.1...61257
Hickson44,NGC 3190...40130
ARP 80...15711526
IC443 Jellyfish Nebula...76922
NGC 672...24351521
NGC 7635...23120
The Draco Triplet...1353119
Horsehead Nebula...151666
ngc 4565...47023
NGC 6045 (Ammasso di galassie in Ercole)...27310
NGC 7317 - NGC 7318a - 7318b NGC - NGC 7319 - NGC 7320 - Stephan Quintett...66020
NGC 7479...23810
PLN 164+31.1...66920
The Crescent Nebula, or The Jellyfish...30810