Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  IC 1805  ·  Sh2-190
Heart of the Heart Nebula - Melotte 15 - SHO, Nico Carver
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Heart of the Heart Nebula - Melotte 15 - SHO

Heart of the Heart Nebula - Melotte 15 - SHO, Nico Carver
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Heart of the Heart Nebula - Melotte 15 - SHO



Acquisition details



IC1805 is a large emission nebulae in Cassiopeia that I captured here with narrowband filters, a monochrome camera, and a telescope with a focal length of 464mm. It was all shot from my light polluted backyard in Somerville, MA. Mapped color in the Hubble Palette (SHO->RGB).

Processing in PixInsight and Photoshop.

Drizzle 2x, Deconvolution, MedianMultiscaleTransform on each linear master, Starnet++, Ha stars.
