Pelican Nebula - IC 5067, IC 5070, legova

Pelican Nebula - IC 5067, IC 5070

Pelican Nebula - IC 5067, IC 5070, legova

Pelican Nebula - IC 5067, IC 5070



Acquisition details



After more than a month of cloudy weather, I finally had a chance to make a real attempt at the Pelican Nebula, my first narrowband target ever! I was able to get 6x15min subs each of Ha, OIII, and SII, processed with the SHO palette, but desaturated and otherwise processed to reduced the overwhelming green. The OIII and SII were very faint compared to the Ha, which I guess is normal, but it would be nice to get more subs with those filters eventually. Had a couple of guiding issues, that I think we're related to balance (new, heavier camera). Also, I had a few issues during processing that I need to work out, like my flats ended up making the subs worse, so I ended up not using them. Thought the image turned out well without, though.



Pelican Nebula - IC 5067, IC 5070, legova