Windblown N44F Nebula in LMC, Brandon Pimenta

Windblown N44F Nebula in LMC



Acquisition details



N44F is a 35 light-year wide cavity blown into the surrounding interstellar gas by stellar winds from a blue giant star. It is part of N44, an even larger cosmic bubble up to a thousand light years in diameter in the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy in the constellation Dorado, a so-called "superbubble" blown in by supernova explosions and stellar winds from NGC 1929.

Processing details:

Red: hst_06698_54_wfpc2_f673n_wf

Green: pseudo

Blue: hst_06698_54_wfpc2_f656n_wf

Because there was a lot of noise in the red channel, I adjusted the curve of a feather selection of some of the red channel outside the main N44F cavity, if that makes sense.

Data from March 25, 2000 from Hubble Legacy Archive.



Windblown N44F Nebula in LMC, Brandon Pimenta