NGC 6058, Brandon Pimenta

NGC 6058



Acquisition details



NGC 6058 is a compact planetary nebula in Hercules. It has a "bipolar/headphone" type structure. Other PNs which have this thing to them are NGC 3195 and Jones-Emberson 1. Not very interesting, but still cool.

This image is pretty unsatisfactory. Just wanted to process the Hubble data of it, but the signal was so bad it only appears as two lines which only just show of as large clumps of brighter noise. I prefer the amateur images to this one. Don't think anyone will really be interested in this image anyway, but it very simply just shows that a processor can't always get what he wants. Next week some Bubble Nebula data is coming though so I keep my fingers crucifixed. Anyway, here are the processing details:

Red: hst_06119_25_wfpc2_f814w_pc_sci.fits

Green: Pseudo

Blue: hst_06119_25_wfpc2_f555w_pc_sci.fits

Data from October 22, 1995 obtained from Hubble Legacy Archive



NGC 6058, Brandon Pimenta