Sadr Area Nebulosity, mikebrous

Sadr Area Nebulosity



Acquisition details



Here's one of Sadr which has become the target to test with in the early evenings since it was conveniently overhead at dusk. lol

This is about 68 subs of various ISO's. Some with the GSO 8" F/4/MPCC combo and some with the GSO Coma Corrector in place of the MPCC. I had to combine the data sets with Registar since the focal length changed using the new coma corrector.

I didn't want the data to go to waste since I had so much of it.

The breakdown is 32x180 sec @ ISO 800, 30x180 sec @ ISO 3200 and 6x180 sec @ ISO 1600. Only the ISO 3200 shots were using a combination Lumicon Deep Sky filter and IDAS-LPS filter. The rest were just the IDAS-LPS filter.

Mixing the Lumicon/IDAS data with the IDAS only data actually works out pretty well. I get to mix the good star colors of the IDAS with the great nebulosity/low LP of the Lumicon/IDAS combo. The only problem is this only works in cold weather, since shooting at ISO 3200 is the only way I can get the hump off the left side of the histogram with the guiding limitations I have at the moment.



Sadr Area Nebulosity, mikebrous