Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Lyra (Lyr)  ·  Contains:  21 tet Lyr  ·  NGC 6791  ·  The star θLyr
NGC6791 OC in Lyr, tommy_nawratil
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NGC6791 OC in Lyr

NGC6791 OC in Lyr, tommy_nawratil
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NGC6791 OC in Lyr



Acquisition details



First light with Astrel8300 standalone CCD adapted to Tak FSQ106 at 385mm. A 2x Drizzle in PixInsight allowed for round star shapes and using Deconvolution for good sharpening. Nice to have an 8300 Chip at 6672x5016 pixels or 33MB resolution :-) Here presented at 66% of 200%. Got it?

NGC6791 is a rich concentrated OC on the border of the milky way in Lyra, it almost looks like a globular.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC6791 OC in Lyr, tommy_nawratil