Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Serpens (Ser)  ·  Contains:  Eagle nebula  ·  M 16  ·  NGC 6611
The Eagle Nebula using the HST Pallet  ==REV-3==, Fernando
The Eagle Nebula using the HST Pallet  ==REV-3==
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The Eagle Nebula using the HST Pallet ==REV-3==

The Eagle Nebula using the HST Pallet  ==REV-3==, Fernando
The Eagle Nebula using the HST Pallet  ==REV-3==
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The Eagle Nebula using the HST Pallet ==REV-3==



Acquisition details



M16 lies from Earth around 6.000Light ears, is located on the Serpens Cauda Constelationn and it is described as an open cluster with nebulosity,

The star mass of the open cluster is thought to be about 20000 time the solar mass.

The apparent cluster size of 8' which correponds to 14 light years.

The open cluster is emmbedded in a gas cloud from which the cluster formed and the star forming is still going on.

Young hot stars ionizes the gas cloud making it to glow as a H2 region, cataloged as IC4703, which is nicknamed the Eagle Nebula or the Star Queen Nebula.

This region is well known due to the Pillars of Creation, just SE of the open cluster, with an elephant trunks shape. The pillars are regions of dark molecular gas and dust that are being eroded by intense radiation from the stars to their NW. Stars in M-16 are thought to progress in age, from young in NE, around 1 million years, to older, with 3 million years, in SE, possibily because star fromation in this region was progressively triggered by an interaction starting on the south several million years ago with a giante molecular shell created early by suoernovae explosions.

Also the dark filaments can be seen lying on the Ha region.

The Image:

Stack: 6x 1200sec for ech channel of Ha S2 and O3

Scope: Skywatcher QuatroCF 10" f/4

Camera: SX-694 Trius


The target of this Revision was to get a more contrasty image. In addition a better denoise routine has been applied.



    The Eagle Nebula using the HST Pallet  ==REV-3==, Fernando
    The Eagle Nebula using the HST Pallet  ==REV-3==, Fernando
  • Final
    The Eagle Nebula using the HST Pallet  ==REV-3==, Fernando


Description: A totally new reprocessing. I had all of this work because I think this image has an outstanding field of view.
I hope you like this reprocessing

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Sky plot

Sky plot


The Eagle Nebula using the HST Pallet  ==REV-3==, Fernando