Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  Great Nebula in Orion  ·  Horsehead nebula  ·  IC 434  ·  M 42  ·  M 43  ·  NGC 1975  ·  NGC 1976  ·  NGC 1977  ·  NGC 1980  ·  NGC 1981  ·  NGC 1982  ·  NGC 1990  ·  NGC 2023  ·  NGC 2024  ·  Part of the constellation Orion (Ori)  ·  The star 22Ori  ·  The star 31Ori  ·  The star 42Ori  ·  The star Alnilam (εOri)  ·  The star Alnitak (ζOri)  ·  The star Mintaka (δOri)  ·  The star ηOri  ·  The star ιOri  ·  The star σOri
Orion Nebula, Yuichi Kawamoto
Orion Nebula
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Orion Nebula

Orion Nebula, Yuichi Kawamoto
Orion Nebula
Powered byPixInsight

Orion Nebula



Acquisition details



Inspired by Jerry Huang's work "Orion Belt Nebula (1x3 mosaic)," Image Of the Day 11/8/2016, and attempted to trim its interesting red and blue contrast region in the center of the constellation with my Borg setup. This is 2x2 mosaic, and multi step exposures was applied to maintain saturation of bright stars and nebular (i.e. M42.)

Detailed equipment information is as follows:

Equipment for L:

Borg 67FL + 7108 reducer, fl324mm F4.8

QHYCCD QHY16200A mono, -20 degrees Celsius, binx1

HEUIB-II + TS Optics L Filter

Equipment for RGB(nebula):

Borg 55FL + 7880 reducer, fl200mm F3.6

Cannon EOS Kiss X4 (IR modified), ISO1600


Equipment for RGB(stars):

Borg 67FL + 7108 reducer, fl324mm F4.8

QHYCCD QHY16200A mono, -20 degrees Celsius, binx1

HEUIB-II + TS Optics RGB Filter

Common Equipment:

Mount: iOptron CEM60

Guiding Telescope: Takahashi GT-40

Guiding Camera: QHYCCD QHY-5IIL

Capturing Software: APT Version 3.12

Guiding Software: PHD2 Version 2.61

Processing Software: PixInsight

20200229 recovery from data loss: the full size image not available. To be updated after reproduction.



  • Final
    Orion Nebula, Yuichi Kawamoto
  • Orion Nebula, Yuichi Kawamoto


Description: Color balance corrected

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Sky plot

Sky plot


Orion Nebula, Yuichi Kawamoto