Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  9 Cas  ·  HD223649  ·  HD224403  ·  HD224669  ·  HD224892  ·  HD225160  ·  LBN 576  ·  PK116+00.1  ·  The star 9 Cas
LBN576 Garlic Nebula  (HOO), Frank Coster
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LBN576 Garlic Nebula (HOO)

LBN576 Garlic Nebula  (HOO), Frank Coster
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LBN576 Garlic Nebula (HOO)



Acquisition details



One of my first attempts at capturing this target using both of my scopes at the same time. The SVX130T has a FL of 938mm and the SVX90T plates solves at 560mm FL. I found it much easier to stack this image in A.P.P. rather than WBPP, and was pleased with the results. After stacking in APP, it was post processed in Pixinsight and then some minor color and luminance touch up in Photoshop.


Sky plot

Sky plot


LBN576 Garlic Nebula  (HOO), Frank Coster