Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  Bode's Galaxy  ·  Cigar Galaxy  ·  HD85161  ·  HD85533  ·  HD85828  ·  HD86574  ·  M 81  ·  M 82  ·  NGC 2976  ·  NGC 3031  ·  NGC 3034  ·  NGC 3077
M81, M82 and Friends, Mark Germani
Powered byPixInsight

M81, M82 and Friends

Revision title: 2024 Reprocess, for fun

M81, M82 and Friends, Mark Germani
Powered byPixInsight

M81, M82 and Friends

Revision title: 2024 Reprocess, for fun



Acquisition details



We had a over a week of clear skies here in Vancouver (unheard of!) so I started off with M81 & M82. I've tried to track these two down several times, but my star hopping skills have failed me each time. I managed to track them down, though each night (and every time I had to refocus on a bright star) was a struggle.

This is the most time I've managed on a single target since taking up the hobby. My CLS filter is too harsh for galaxy work and I'm still saving up for the Optolong L-Pro, so despite the new moon, skyglow limited me to 30-45 second exposures.

The result really demonstrated the limits of my setup. Under light-polluted skies with no filter, and with my pixel size paired with the Zenithstar 61 (despite aggressive drizzle settings when stacking in APP), I think this is as good as it gets until I can get myself a better CLS filter and start doing longer exposures.

Until then, here's M81 and M82 with two very attractive companion galaxies - NGC 3077 (Garland) and NGC 2976.



  • M81, M82 and Friends, Mark Germani
  • Final
    M81, M82 and Friends, Mark Germani


Title: 2024 Reprocess, for fun

Description: I was curious to see how much I could improve upon my oldest set of data on Astrobin (no filters, no guiding, unmodified DSLR) using PixInsight and the currently available plugins. Turns out, quite a bit! I kept the same crop for comparison's sake.

Also, it rained ALL MONTH.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


M81, M82 and Friends, Mark Germani