Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn)  ·  Contains:  M 106  ·  NGC 4217  ·  NGC 4226  ·  NGC 4231  ·  NGC 4232  ·  NGC 4248  ·  NGC 4258  ·  PGC 166129  ·  PGC 166131  ·  PGC 213956  ·  PGC 213962  ·  PGC 2283960  ·  PGC 2284284  ·  PGC 2285022  ·  PGC 2286698  ·  PGC 2287849  ·  PGC 2288029  ·  PGC 2289676  ·  PGC 2291779  ·  PGC 2291939  ·  PGC 2292054  ·  PGC 2292458  ·  PGC 2292932  ·  PGC 2293173  ·  PGC 2294177  ·  PGC 2295162  ·  PGC 2296601  ·  PGC 2296854  ·  PGC 2297038  ·  PGC 2299019  ·  And 14 more.
Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
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Messier 106

Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
Powered byPixInsight

Messier 106



Acquisition details



Final Image is a crop of this full image: https://www.astrobin.com/2x81do/J/

Please also see crop of NGC 4217: https://www.astrobin.com/2x81do/K/

Making the best of galaxy season!

I was surprised by how many smaller galaxies are in this field. They're big enough to resolve some details in many of them.

This was my first image with my secondary spider flocked with some sticky-backed velour I found on Amazon. It really seems to keep the diffraction spikes under control by preventing brighter off-axis stars from causing extremely long spikes. There aren't any really bright stars in this image, but some quick observations of Polaris and other really bright stars seem to confirm the effectiveness of adding flocking to the spider.

I used GHS a few times while stretching this image, but I often resort back to Curves Transformation since GHS can be a limiting sometimes when trying to bring out contrast at specific brightnesses. Photoshop trained me well, and I am getting much more comfortable with Curves Transformation in PI now.



    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
  • Final
    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile
    Messier 106, Anthony Quintile


Title: Messier 106 Crop

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Title: NGC 4217 Crop

Uploaded: ...


Description: Minor SCNR green and background NoiseX, fixed LHE artifact

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Description: Minor SCNR green and background NoiseX, M 106 crop, fixed LHE artifact

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Description: Minor SCNR green and background NoiseX, NGC 4217 crop, fixed LHE artifact

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Description: Reprocess with various tweaks along the way.

I wanted to address some green channel noise issues.

Uploaded: ...


Description: NGC 4217 crop

Reprocess with various tweaks along the way.

I wanted to address some green channel noise issues.

Uploaded: ...


Description: Messier 106 crop

Reprocess with various tweaks along the way.

I wanted to address some green channel noise issues.

Uploaded: ...


Description: Complete reprocess, uncropped

There was a lot that I didn't like about my initial processing on this image, especially after the result I got with my more recent image of NGC 5033/NGC 5005, which I feel was much better.

Taking some cues from that image, I reprocessed this. I feel like the background noise level is better, color is better, and I was able to better draw out the tidal streams that are on some of the galaxies.

Uploaded: ...


Description: Complete reprocess, NGC 4217 crop

There was a lot that I didn't like about my initial processing on this image, especially after the result I got with my more recent image of NGC 5033/NGC 5005, which I feel was much better.

Taking some cues from that image, I reprocessed this. I feel like the background noise level is better, color is better, and I was able to better draw out the tidal streams that are on some of the galaxies.

Uploaded: ...


Description: Complete reprocess, M106 crop

There was a lot that I didn't like about my initial processing on this image, especially after the result I got with my more recent image of NGC 5033/NGC 5005, which I feel was much better.

Taking some cues from that image, I reprocessed this. I feel like the background noise level is better, color is better, and I was able to better draw out the tidal streams that are on some of the galaxies.

Uploaded: ...

Sky plot

Sky plot


Messier 106, Anthony Quintile