Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Delphinus (Del)
Asteroid 3122 Florence,  02Sep2017 , Craig Emery
Asteroid 3122 Florence,  02Sep2017
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Asteroid 3122 Florence, 02Sep2017

Asteroid 3122 Florence,  02Sep2017 , Craig Emery
Asteroid 3122 Florence,  02Sep2017
Powered byPixInsight

Asteroid 3122 Florence, 02Sep2017



Acquisition details



Acquired these subs 02Sep2017 and finally managed to produce a decent time-lapse composite image, first project of this type for me. Really had fun finding the object and seeing the movement of the asteroid over the first few frames with my 6 year old who was anxiously awaiting each frame. However processing proved to be a bit of a challenge since, given the asteroid's movement, I went with very short exposures at F10 and higher ISO. I also decided to use this project as my first attempt at processing in Pixinsight during my free trial period which definitely has a bit of a learning curve!

Acquired 117 x 6s subs over ~28min, calibrated and registered all frames with linear fit clipping to produce the background star field. Subsequent processing included color calibration, dynamic background extraction, SCNR, saturation curve transformation and a crazy degree of stretching with the histogram transformation tool. Basically applied similar processing to a selection of individual subs at slightly less than 1min interval but clipped the frames a bit more so that I could extract the astroid from each frame with the substitute from preview script into a black frame which I then combined with the background field using pixel math Max function. Used a slight bit of convolution on the extracted astroid since it was clipped a bit more to avoid the higher noise in the individual subs. Probably not the best way to produce this type of image but was where I landed on my first attempt with PI and this type of composite. I'm ready to move on to re-processing a few of my previous typical DSO shots using PI.

I did process more of the individual subs as well and was thinking of putting together an animation but think I'll hold off on that for now.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Asteroid 3122 Florence,  02Sep2017 , Craig Emery