Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  34 ups Sco  ·  B252  ·  B257  ·  B258  ·  Bug nebula  ·  HD154967  ·  HD154979  ·  HD155017  ·  HD155050  ·  HD155148  ·  HD155218  ·  HD155219  ·  HD155257  ·  HD155258  ·  HD155274  ·  HD155320  ·  HD155321  ·  HD155337  ·  HD155338  ·  HD155364  ·  HD155383  ·  HD155384  ·  HD155385  ·  HD155386  ·  HD155402  ·  HD155403  ·  HD155404  ·  HD155433  ·  HD155434  ·  HD155448  ·  And 883 more.
Cat's Paw and Lobster Nebulae, Gabriel R. Santos (grsotnas)
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Cat's Paw and Lobster Nebulae

Cat's Paw and Lobster Nebulae, Gabriel R. Santos (grsotnas)
Powered byPixInsight

Cat's Paw and Lobster Nebulae



Acquisition details



Constructive criticism, comments and suggestions are more than welcome in the comments section – including on the new labelling. Thank you for taking your time to look at this image.

Date and Time: July 08, 2018; ~21h [local UTC-3 time]

Location: MG, Brazil. Rural Skies (Bortle 3-4, SQM ~21.5*calculated)

Camera: Canon EOS T5 (modded), at ISO 800

Lens: Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8, operated at 200mm f/3.5

Mount: Sky-Watcher HEQ5, tracking, guided

Guiding: Starguider 50mm Guidescope + ASI120mm + PHD2; ~1.4”

Exposure Detail: 23x120s or 46 minutes


Sky plot

Sky plot


Cat's Paw and Lobster Nebulae, Gabriel R. Santos (grsotnas)