"Galactic Wreckage in Stephans Quintet" - APOD :-), Daniel Nobre

"Galactic Wreckage in Stephans Quintet" - APOD :-)

"Galactic Wreckage in Stephans Quintet" - APOD :-), Daniel Nobre

"Galactic Wreckage in Stephans Quintet" - APOD :-)



Acquisition details



Apod....Apod...Apod guys!

Im really crying!


HI guys, how are you doing today!? Hope you are fine !! So, I think I tried to put all my efforts in this classical Hubble image processing attempt...three cloudy nights of processing...hope you enjoy :-)

The Hubble Official page for this image could be seen here: https://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic0910i/

My best regards to all good friends of Astrobin !!!

A little bit of description extracted from the HST page:

Galactic Wreckage in Stephans Quintet

"A clash among members of a famous galaxy quintet reveals an assortment of stars across a wide colour range, from young, blue stars to aging, red stars.

This portrait of Stephan's Quintet, also known as the Hickson Compact Group 92, was taken by the new Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) aboard the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Stephan's Quintet, as the name implies, is a group of five galaxies. The name, however, is a bit of a misnomer. Studies have shown that group member NGC 7320, at upper left, is actually a foreground galaxy that is about seven times closer to Earth than the rest of the group.

Three of the galaxies have distorted shapes, elongated spiral arms, and long, gaseous tidal tails containing myriad star clusters, proof of their close encounters. These interactions have sparked a frenzy of star birth in the central pair of galaxies. This drama is being played out against a rich backdrop of faraway galaxies.

The image, taken in visible and near-infrared light, showcases WFC3's broad wavelength range. The colours trace the ages of the stellar populations, showing that star birth occurred at different epochs, stretching over hundreds of millions of years. The camera's infrared vision also peers through curtains of dust to see groupings of stars that cannot be seen in visible light."



    "Galactic Wreckage in Stephans Quintet" - APOD :-), Daniel Nobre
    "Galactic Wreckage in Stephans Quintet" - APOD :-), Daniel Nobre
    "Galactic Wreckage in Stephans Quintet" - APOD :-), Daniel Nobre
    "Galactic Wreckage in Stephans Quintet" - APOD :-), Daniel Nobre
  • Final
    "Galactic Wreckage in Stephans Quintet" - APOD :-), Daniel Nobre


Description: A little bit more "Dynamic" - :-)

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Description: APOD...Im traveling here...and I cant believe it! Im really crying!


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Description: Well, I just want to say Thank You to All! I barely did my Astrobin renewal last year...but my love for the dark sky and astrophotography sure surpassed all those things...Thanks to my old friends and for the new ones...thanks to Ms. Sara Wager, Israel Gil Andani, Lujafer, Tom Robbe, nonsens2, Thomas Richter, ruccdu, Javier_Fuertes, Hans-Peter, Pulsar59, Yvan_Trembley, Sergey,Tim Hutchinson, Big Dipper, Mario Richter, Tom Robbe, José Tapia, Camille, Jo´se Luis Bedmar, jolind, altazastro, Uwe, AlBroxton, Carles Zerbst, Bruno, John Travis, Florian, Sigga, Marek, good friend Lawrence Hazel, Space_Man_Spiff, Victor, PascalB, webeve, Crash-DK, Wolfgang Zimmermann, Eddy Cochez, Alberto Mimmi, and super friend ZlochTeamAstro, Eric Coles, Ara, Giulio, Jean-Noel, KennethK, Alberto Pisabarro, Ron Adams, Brian Poole, Caspar, Caley, Marc Verhoeven, olde friend John Leader, Van McComas my brother separated by distance, Sergio GS, churmey, Jarret, Barry Wilson, Lee, Jeffbax, Gèrard, Ray, Thomas Ebert, Jerry Macon, Riedl Rudolph, A Ruiz de Valdivia, Xaxas, K. Scheider good friend, Steve Milne, Elmiko, Bob Habolin, Frank, Fritz, Johny, Equinoxx, Silkanni, Harold, Makoto "Samurai" Shindou, good friend Niall, Diego, Yasushi, Gary Dorian, Astromat, olde friends Kurt Zep, Bob J, Seldom, NewtonCS, Jose Manuel P. Redondo, Georges, Adel, Vadim, Lukasz Zak, Alam, Vlaams59, Simon good pal, olde friend AC1000 and Vital, Ezequiel, Ruben Barbosa, Carlo Colombo, Brice, Andrea Alessandrelli, John Nerum, Liverpool Telescope represented with my good friend Jon Merchant, Alex Woronow, Keith F, Randy Roy, Zhuoqun, mwalbiner, Alfredo Vargas, Antareswithalotofnumbers :-), doug0013 , Michael , and the newcomer Irish!...and so many others that I have the ultimate respect! Thanks so much! 😀😀😀😀

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"Galactic Wreckage in Stephans Quintet" - APOD :-), Daniel Nobre

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