Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  IC 1318  ·  NGC 6910  ·  NGC 6914  ·  The star Sadr (γCyg)  ·  gamma Cyg nebula
NGC6910, Sadr Region, Sony A6300, William Optics ZS61, feynman
NGC6910, Sadr Region, Sony A6300, William Optics ZS61
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NGC6910, Sadr Region, Sony A6300, William Optics ZS61

NGC6910, Sadr Region, Sony A6300, William Optics ZS61, feynman
NGC6910, Sadr Region, Sony A6300, William Optics ZS61
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NGC6910, Sadr Region, Sony A6300, William Optics ZS61



Acquisition details



Shot from a Bortle 7-8 Sky using a Sony A6300 unmodded with a William Optics Zenithstar 61 telescope on top of an iOptron SkyGuider Pro.

No calibration frames were used and no guiding.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC6910, Sadr Region, Sony A6300, William Optics ZS61, feynman