Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  32 Vul  ·  48 Cyg  ·  49 Cyg  ·  52 Cyg  ·  53 eps Cyg  ·  BW Vul  ·  Filamentary nebula  ·  Gienah  ·  IC 1340  ·  LBN 191  ·  LDN 846  ·  LDN 864  ·  LDN 868  ·  Lace-work nebula  ·  NGC 6960  ·  NGC 6974  ·  NGC 6979  ·  NGC 6992  ·  NGC 6995  ·  Network nebula  ·  PK072-07.1  ·  PK076-05.1  ·  Sh2-103  ·  T Cyg  ·  T Vul  ·  The star 32Vul  ·  The star 49Cyg  ·  The star 52Cyg  ·  The star Gienah (εCyg)  ·  Veil nebula
Veil Widefield, Landon Boehm
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Veil Widefield

Veil Widefield, Landon Boehm
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Veil Widefield



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Veil Widefield, Landon Boehm

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