Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Carina (Car)  ·  Contains:  NGC 3372  ·  eta Car nebula
NGC 3277 - Carina Nebula, Herbert Walter
NGC 3277 - Carina Nebula
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NGC 3277 - Carina Nebula

NGC 3277 - Carina Nebula, Herbert Walter
NGC 3277 - Carina Nebula
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NGC 3277 - Carina Nebula



Acquisition details



Carina Nebula, an large area of bright and dark nebulae in the constellation Carina in the southern hemisphere. Its brighter and four times as large as the popular Orion Nebula in the northern hemispere.

The image data (9h, R/G/B/H) are provided complimentary by Martin Pugh. More info and download

This image is processed with 1 frame R/G/B each. No calibrationframs are used. Just for a quick test, I was curious. It's amazing how well this setup works.

Best regards!

Herbert, Austria

skypixels.at /
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Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 3277 - Carina Nebula, Herbert Walter

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Southern Hemisphere Astro