Eastern Veil - First Narrowband, ADBjester

Eastern Veil - First Narrowband

Eastern Veil - First Narrowband, ADBjester

Eastern Veil - First Narrowband



Acquisition details



A preliminary processing of the Veil Nebula, Eastern section, captured last month and left to languish. When combined with the "Witches' Broom" image I posted earlier, I hope it will make an impressive first mosaic image. Capture was via remote control scope in New Mexico, on a Takahashi FSQ-106 mm fluorite refractor, and an SBIG STL-11000M-ABG CCD, with 6x H-alpha, OIII, and SII captured for 10 minutes per exposure (3 hours total exposure time). Stacked in CCDStack 2.0, with minimal levels and curves applied in Photoshop CS5. The mosaic coming soon will have additional corrections and processing.

Update May 25, 2013: I never did finish that mosaic, nor the processing here. I am leaving it in the "finished image" category instead of the staging area because it represents my first blending of NOTHING but narrowband data. If / when I revisit this data (I captured the west side, and then forgot about it), I will post it with current dates.



Eastern Veil - First Narrowband, ADBjester