Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  41 Ori A)  ·  41 Ori C  ·  41 Ori D  ·  43 Ori)  ·  Great Orion Nebula  ·  M 42  ·  M 43  ·  Mairan's Nebula  ·  NGC 1976  ·  NGC 1982  ·  Orion Nebula  ·  The star Mizan Batil II (θ2 Ori  ·  The star Trapezium (θ1 Ori A  ·  The star θ1 Ori C  ·  The star θ1 Ori D
M42 (SHO): the core of the Orion nebula, Stijn
M42 (SHO): the core of the Orion nebula
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M42 (SHO): the core of the Orion nebula

M42 (SHO): the core of the Orion nebula, Stijn
M42 (SHO): the core of the Orion nebula
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M42 (SHO): the core of the Orion nebula



Acquisition details



The Orion nebula is one of those targets that never disappoints. This is an SHO recording of the core of the nebula, revealing some of its well known details, including

- the trapezium stars, including the extremely energetic O-type star Theta-1-Ori C that causes a great deal of the nebula to illuminate
- the Orion bar, a side view of an ionization front
- the Dark Bay, a cloud of neutral gas out of which the "wings" extend
- Proplyd 244-440, a protoplanetary disc
- the many ripples in the surrounding gas clouds

Star birth at work!


Sky plot

Sky plot


M42 (SHO): the core of the Orion nebula, Stijn

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Astrophotographers of Belgium