Contains:  Solar system body or event
"wavy" Mare Nubium, Toni Adrover

"wavy" Mare Nubium

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
"wavy" Mare Nubium, Toni Adrover

"wavy" Mare Nubium

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Mare Nubium contains a diverse range of interesting features.The most notableis Rupes Recta , also known as the straight wall.It extends north- south for 100 km.The west facing slope is up to 2.5 km across, but is not steep as the height only ranges up to 0.3 km.The small but deep crater to the west side of the fault is Birt ( 17 km ) and its small companion Birt A ( 6.8 km ) . Rima Birt is a volcanin channel 1.5 km wide and 50 km in lenght. The rille arose from a caldera , Birt E ( 5 km ), at the northern end which sits atop a low dome only visible at low sun angles.The rille terminates at Birt F ( 3 km ).Pitatus is an ancient crater located at the southern edge of Mare Nubium..

The complex wall of Pitatus is heavily worn, and has been encroached by lava flows. The rim is lowest to the north, where the lava almost joins the Mare Nubium. Near the middle is a low central peak that is offset to the northwest of center. This peak only rises to a height of 0.5 km.The flooded crater floor contains low hills in the east and a system of slender clefts named the Rimae Pitatus.

Lots of wrinkle ridges that to me look like frozen " waves" on the mare surface.

Wrinkle ridges are tectonic features created when the basaltic lava cooled and contracted.
