Contains:  Solar system body or event
Animation of the ISS 17.07.2021 h=48deg, Khisamutdinov Maksim

Animation of the ISS 17.07.2021 h=48deg

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



I finished the final video for the session on July 16-17, now I can continue the hunt for the ISS 

ISS 17.07.2021 02:31:46, pixel scale 0.12"/pixel, 60 frames of animation.
the height is ~48 degrees, the brightness is -3.6, the distance at the climax is 553 km, the shining is 3/5, the transparency is 4/5. (1 is bad, 5 is excellent), the wind is 1-2ms, there is no humidity.

Monty eq8 evilmode v3, Celestron C14 XLT + Focuser GSO 2” 1.25 x NPZ (focal length ~5 meters) + asi290mm + zwo EFW mini + Baader LRGBI(R). 160fps 512x512, mono12, gain ~250-320, shutter speed 0.8 ms. Adding 60% of 240 adjacent frames without selection in AS!3 with wavelets. GiferISS + PIPP animation 100%.


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