Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  VdB142
ic1396 --  Elephant Trunk Nebula -- LRGB - SnapShot, Michael Sherick
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ic1396 -- Elephant Trunk Nebula -- LRGB - SnapShot

ic1396 --  Elephant Trunk Nebula -- LRGB - SnapShot, Michael Sherick
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ic1396 -- Elephant Trunk Nebula -- LRGB - SnapShot



Acquisition details



Just before sunrise, I took advantage of brief period of clear sky, and imaged a very short RGB sequence on ic1396 to add to the previous Luminance image data.

Image data for this "Snap Shot" was:
1 x 180 seconds Luminance 1x1
4 x 300 seconds Red
3 x 300 seconds Green
5 x 300s Blue
RGB data binned 2x2

The next few nights are forecast to be clear, so I will re-image this object again.


Sky plot

Sky plot


ic1396 --  Elephant Trunk Nebula -- LRGB - SnapShot, Michael Sherick