Contains:  Gear
The find, William Maxwell

The find

The find, William Maxwell

The find


I saw a listing for a  couple scopes on Craigslist. One was a Bushnell Skychief III w/ mount. OK, some people speak highly those older 60mm s, but I was mostly interested in the other mystery scope . If it was a bust, then at least there was the refractor as a nice grab and go. 

Once I got home I posted a pic of it in the Classic forum on Cloudy Nights. Twenty eight postings later, and a confirming ID from the maker, it turned out to be a 70s era Star Instruments 6" Rich Field...basically a Cave. It looked almost new. It had literally sat in someone's closet for decades.

The Skychief, Rich Field, plus a 70s "made in Japan"  Edmund Scientific "long" 2x barlow....  $25
The kind of deal most of us only hear in legends. 

I  put a 2" focuser on it, a  CC  ( its F/3.8 ) ,tuned it up and took a look. Stunning. An astro camera is in its future.  The Skychief, its mount, and the barlow were also quite nice.

Now to clean up all those dangling wires....and hope for something other than rain.



The find, William Maxwell

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