Contains:  Gear
102 mm H-alpha setup, Tommi R

102 mm H-alpha setup

102 mm H-alpha setup, Tommi R

102 mm H-alpha setup


- Baader D-ERF 110 mm (tilted slightly relative to the optical axis)
- Altair Astro 102 f/7 fpl-51 doublet OTA
- Baader M68 extension tubes (40 + 80 mm) to minimize required focuser movement
- M68 to 2" adapter
- Daystar Quark Chromosphere heated H-alpha etalon
- T2 extension tubes
- T2 tilt adapter to remove Newton rings
- ZWO ASI174mm black and white camera

- SkyWatcher SolarQuest tracking mount for solar work (visual or photography). I have removed (locked) the spring load mechanism in order to allow better tracking under too heavy load. 

Additional hardware:
- Power cables, usb cable and a laptop with the soft black hood
- DIY focuser & remote control box

- There are some velcro on the D-ERF housing. Some of them act as a backup so that the filter holder cell does not fall of and other velcros are used to attach DIY copy film based flat setup.



102 mm H-alpha setup, Tommi R

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