Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  HD122865  ·  M 101  ·  NGC 5447  ·  NGC 5449  ·  NGC 5450  ·  NGC 5451  ·  NGC 5453  ·  NGC 5455  ·  NGC 5457  ·  NGC 5461  ·  NGC 5462  ·  NGC 5471  ·  NGC 5477  ·  Pinwheel galaxy
M101 / Pinwheel Galaxy & SN2023ixf with OSC, Christian Singer
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M101 / Pinwheel Galaxy & SN2023ixf with OSC

M101 / Pinwheel Galaxy & SN2023ixf with OSC, Christian Singer
Powered byPixInsight

M101 / Pinwheel Galaxy & SN2023ixf with OSC



Acquisition details



Hi, this is my eleventh astrophoto project, following up on the recent events about SN2023ixf. I'm currently collecting data for different objects, but really wanted to give it a try. Please note that this initial revision is "only" shot with a OSC, so therefore lacking Halpha signal (which I will hopefully collect tonight). Hope you like it!

  • Stacking & Calibration: APP
  • Gradient removal: GraXpert
  • Solving+SPCC, BXT, SXT, NXT and GHS: PixInsight
  • Final touch: Photoshop

If you like you can always have a look into the corresponding project page on my website - I always put some more object details and findings there. Also I have translations in DE and EN, just use the language switch in the menu.

Have a great day & CS everyone,

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Sky plot

Sky plot


M101 / Pinwheel Galaxy & SN2023ixf with OSC, Christian Singer