Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  IC 1274  ·  IC 4684  ·  IC 4685  ·  NGC 6559
NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula SHO, Martin Dowd
NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula SHO
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NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula SHO

NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula SHO, Martin Dowd
NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula SHO
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NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula SHO



Acquisition details



Recently captured NGC 6559 the Chinese Dragon nebula over 6 x half nights. The object is on its final traverse from north to west so I only had approximately 3 hrs from sunset to gather data as my neighbours two storey house obstruct the western sky up to 30 deg. 
Conditions varied greatly each night from poor to average seeing and some annoying high cloud for 2 nights 
The last time I imaged this object was in 2021 with my 2600MC. 
60% of the data was captured under a waning moon and remaining 40% under no moon, all under B8 City / Suburban skies. 
8”f5 Klaus Helmerich Carbon fibre Newtonian Reflector 
Skywatcher EQ6-R pro mount
ZWO 2600MM cooled to -10C , Gain 100 , 
ZWO 7x2” EFW
Orion 60mm guide scope with helical focuser 
ZWO 120MM guide camera
PHD2 Multistar guiding ( total error avg 0.55 to 0.80 arc sec ) 
Antlia 3nm SHO Filters 
Ha 155 x 180 sec subs up
Oiii 87 x 180 sec subs
Sii 75 x 180 sec subs
Dithered every Sub 
Total integration 15.5 hours 
Full calibration suite 
Darks frames from Library 
Flats  SHO 
Flat Darks SHO 
Data Analysed , Calibrated, Stacked and Aligned in ASTAP
Processed in Startools V1.8 via Compose L + Synthetic L from RGB , RGB 
In Colour module I used  the SHO / HST  preset with the following Matrix blend ( 50Sii + 50 Ha , 50Ha + 50 Oiii , 100 Oiii ) followed by adjustments of saturation and colour bias. 

Thanks for looking 

Comments welcome 



Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula SHO, Martin Dowd