Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Circinus (Cir)
Compact dark nebulae complex on the Eastern side of the Circinus molecular cloud, Alexandr Zaytsev

Compact dark nebulae complex on the Eastern side of the Circinus molecular cloud

Revision title: Rotation / crop of the original frame emphasizing the dark nebulae component even more

Compact dark nebulae complex on the Eastern side of the Circinus molecular cloud, Alexandr Zaytsev

Compact dark nebulae complex on the Eastern side of the Circinus molecular cloud

Revision title: Rotation / crop of the original frame emphasizing the dark nebulae component even more



Acquisition details



3h 21min of integral RGB exposure of an area on the Eastern side of the Circinus molecular cloud complex (G317-4) featuring multiple dark nebulae - captured remotely using Telescope #3 (ASA-N D = 0.5m f/3.8, FLI ProLine 16803) system of ChileScope observatory over 4 imaging sessions carried out on Mar 1, 2, 16, 18, 2023.

There are several small features of interest here:

(a) "Little rhombus" cluster - closer to the middle of the original image:


(b) Hen 2-113 / PK321-03.1 planetary nebula [1, 2] - closer to the bottom of the original image:


(c) Possibly yet another Herbig-Haro object in the right bottom corner of the original image:


[1] https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full/2006/10/aa3803-05/aa3803-05.html

[2] https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full/2006/10/aa3803-05/aa3803-05.html

Wider angle views of the area captured using Chilescope T5 [3] and T4 [4] instruments are also available:

[3] https://www.astrobin.com/4yov1p/

[4] https://www.astrobin.com/ds988c/

The close-up views of other portions of the Circinus molecular cloud obtained with Chilescope T3 instrument are available under [5] and [6]:

[5] https://www.astrobin.com/icsgmf/

[6] https://www.astrobin.com/h6b5pv/



  • Compact dark nebulae complex on the Eastern side of the Circinus molecular cloud, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Compact dark nebulae complex on the Eastern side of the Circinus molecular cloud, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Compact dark nebulae complex on the Eastern side of the Circinus molecular cloud, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Final
    Compact dark nebulae complex on the Eastern side of the Circinus molecular cloud, Alexandr Zaytsev


Title: Tighter crop on the dark nebulae area of the original frame

Uploaded: ...


Title: Annotated version of the B component of the original RGB image

Uploaded: ...


Title: Rotation / crop of the original frame emphasizing the dark nebulae component even more

Uploaded: ...

Sky plot

Sky plot


Compact dark nebulae complex on the Eastern side of the Circinus molecular cloud, Alexandr Zaytsev