Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  34 P Cyg  ·  37 gam Cyg  ·  40 Cyg  ·  B343  ·  B344  ·  B347  ·  Crescent Nebula  ·  Cygnus  ·  IC 1311  ·  IC 4996  ·  LBN 203  ·  LBN 206  ·  LBN 209  ·  LBN 212  ·  LBN 215  ·  LBN 223  ·  LBN 224  ·  LBN 234  ·  LBN 236  ·  LBN 239  ·  LBN 240  ·  LBN 241  ·  LBN 243  ·  LBN 245  ·  LBN 248  ·  LBN 249  ·  LBN 251  ·  LBN 253  ·  LBN 259  ·  LBN 261  ·  And 41 more.
Sadr region in RGB colors, Satwant Kumar
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Sadr region in RGB colors

Sadr region in RGB colors, Satwant Kumar
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Sadr region in RGB colors



Acquisition details



Here is the Sadr region in RGB. Reprocessing of data from August 2021.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Sadr region in RGB colors, Satwant Kumar