Contains:  Solar system body or event
The Turbulent Surface of the Sun in Ha, Michael Caligiuri

The Turbulent Surface of the Sun in Ha

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
The Turbulent Surface of the Sun in Ha, Michael Caligiuri

The Turbulent Surface of the Sun in Ha

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



This is a  long focal length capture of the Western surface of the Sun in Ha obtained under excellent sky conditions.  Used a 5x Televue Powermate to boost fl from a native 714mm to 3570mm.  Shown in this image is sunspot AR 3912 and neighboring filaments.  Just rounding the western limb is  AR  3897.

Lunt100Ha DS; Inverted and colorized.



The Turbulent Surface of the Sun in Ha, Michael Caligiuri