Contains:  Solar system body or event
Solar Flare, Zhang_Yixing

Solar Flare

Solar Flare, Zhang_Yixing

Solar Flare



Acquisition details



The flare activity on the west limb was captured just as the equipment was being tested, coincidentally.

There are solar filament, sunspot and prominence activities in this area at the same time (it doesn't seem very large), so I locked my sight here.

At this time, I needs to do meridian flip, with an interval of about 3-5 minutes. When it's done, I lock my sight here again. Suddenly, I found a white rose came up, so I realize that it may be a great activity, so I got this picture. At the same time, I also took a timelasp gif. It will be released later.

It is worth mentioning that this is our first attempt imaging solar observation activities at Yunling Observatory. Good network quality ensures the smooth progress of the process.



Solar Flare, Zhang_Yixing