Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Dorado (Dor)  ·  Contains:  HD28674  ·  HD28854  ·  IC 2079  ·  IC 2081  ·  IC 2082  ·  IC 2083
IC2082 Galaxy Zoo, Wolfgang Promper
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IC2082 Galaxy Zoo

IC2082 Galaxy Zoo, Wolfgang Promper
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IC2082 Galaxy Zoo



Acquisition details



I came across this amazing field in Dorado while browsing through the Aladin Sky Atlas.
IC2082 is a pretty featurless eliptical galaxy but the amount of other galaxies in the field is quite stunning.
The exposure time is not very long as at low altidudes like this you have to be a bit selective with the subs, the seeing is not always good down there.
The image is a normal LRGB and in processing I tried to enhance the smaller background galaxies.
Hope you like it.


Sky plot

Sky plot


IC2082 Galaxy Zoo, Wolfgang Promper