Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  NGC 2841
NGC 2841 in Ursa Major, Jim Thommes
NGC 2841 in Ursa Major
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NGC 2841 in Ursa Major

NGC 2841 in Ursa Major, Jim Thommes
NGC 2841 in Ursa Major
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NGC 2841 in Ursa Major



Acquisition details



The Galaxy NGC 2841 is the dominant object in this image. It's classification is SA(r)b and is at a distance of 37 to 48 million light years. Also in this image are some notable background galaxies (PGC  26351, 26362, 26363, and 26572). The later three are 368 to 381 million light years distant; PGC 26351 is closer at 33 to 67 light years distant. There is a distant galaxy (ASK 152883.0) at a distance of 1,239 million light years and further distant Quasars with high redshifts.  These objects and some of the brighter stars are identified in the annotated image. Horizontal FOV is approximately 40 arc minutes. Full size image scale is approximatetly 0.58 arcsec/pix..
