Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  12 Mon  ·  HD259135  ·  HD46056  ·  HD46057  ·  HD46106  ·  HD46107  ·  HD46108  ·  HD46149  ·  HD46150  ·  HD46180  ·  HD46201  ·  HD46202  ·  HD46223  ·  HD46484  ·  LBN 948  ·  LBN 949  ·  NGC 2237  ·  NGC 2238  ·  NGC 2239  ·  NGC 2246  ·  Rosette A  ·  Rosette B  ·  Rosette Nebula  ·  Sh2-275  ·  The star 12 Mon
NGC2239 / Rosette Nebula (Rev.2) with OSC+Dual Narrowband (HO), Christian Singer
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NGC2239 / Rosette Nebula (Rev.2) with OSC+Dual Narrowband (HO)

NGC2239 / Rosette Nebula (Rev.2) with OSC+Dual Narrowband (HO), Christian Singer
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NGC2239 / Rosette Nebula (Rev.2) with OSC+Dual Narrowband (HO)



Acquisition details



Hi, this is my tenth astrophoto project and a revision of the (narrowband) data I used for the initial (first) publication. In addition to it, I acquired additional RGB-data. What was important to me in this edit was to have a different approach on working with the narrowband data. On top. I also didn't want to "over-saturate" this bright object, but rather to have a nice balance between the OIII- and Halpha-signals. Hope you like it, too !

  • Stacking & Calibration: APP
  • Gradient removal: GraXpert
  • Solving+SPCC, BXT, SXT, NXT and GHS: PixInsight
  • Final touch: Photoshop

If you like you can have a look into the project page on my website - I always put some more object details and findings there.

Have a great day & CS everyone,

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Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC2239 / Rosette Nebula (Rev.2) with OSC+Dual Narrowband (HO), Christian Singer