Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  Crescent Nebula  ·  HD192003  ·  HD192020  ·  HD192041  ·  HD192078  ·  HD192102  ·  HD192123  ·  HD192163  ·  HD192182  ·  HD192303  ·  HD192361  ·  HD192422  ·  HD192443  ·  HD192444  ·  HD192537  ·  HD228099  ·  HD228139  ·  HD228152  ·  HD228153  ·  HD228163  ·  HD228185  ·  HD228186  ·  HD228198  ·  HD228205  ·  HD228243  ·  HD228260  ·  HD228261  ·  HD228262  ·  HD228277  ·  HD228278  ·  And 19 more.
NGC6888 HOO, Valerio Avitabile
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NGC6888 HOO, Valerio Avitabile
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Acquisition details



Sometimes they come back, after months of inactivity I was able to complete this project albeit in a hybrid way using 2 shots with different setups.
Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) is an extraordinary cosmic bubble about 25 light-years wide, sculpted by the winds of the bright massive central star.
This image is obtained by exploiting narrow band filters that isolate the light of hydrogen and oxygen. Ionized oxygen atoms produce the characteristic cyan-green outer shell that envelops the fine folds and vaporous filaments.
Inside the cloud, the central star is visible, classified as a Wolf-Rayet star (WR 136). This fiery star scatters its outer shell by a strong stellar wind, expelling the equivalent of a solar mass every 10,000 years. The nebula's complex structures are likely the result of the powerful wind interacting with material ejected at an earlier stage.
At the end of its fuel and now finding itself at the end of its life cycle, a star collapses and explodes, throwing its incandescent gases outwards thus giving life to a supernova. The Crescent Nebula is located in the rich constellation Cygnus, about 5,000 light-years away from Earth.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC6888 HOO, Valerio Avitabile