How Do You Align the Finderscope For A Refactor Telescope? Celestron Powerseeker 60AZ · Szijártó Áron · ... · 1 · 57 · 0

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Hello and welcome. I'd like to ask everyone: How do you align your refractor telescope? I own a standard Celestron Powerseeker 60AZ refractor telescope. I have assembled all its parts and adjusted the focus. However, I'm having trouble with the finder scope. When I try to look at something, the finder scope and the telescope show different things. Can anyone help me understand how to align it properly so that the telescope shows the right thing I want to look at?
markusd112 0.00
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normally there are some screws on the finder scope mount. You point the main telescope to some object far away or a bright star and adjust the finder scope with the screws so the object is in the center as in the main scope.

Best regards,

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