Unscrewing the filter SVBony SV220 7nm 1.25" · Martin Rongen · ... · 3 · 173 · 0

418teapot 0.00
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Hello all

I'm trying to convert a 1.25" SV220 into an EOS clip in filter. This requires getting the actual filter out of the threaded mount. I would have thought that the retention ring simply unscrews but it does not budge even under considerable force.

Does Svbony glue their filters? Is there any secret technique I am missing?
Looking for any insights.

andreatax 8.59
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Have you tried turning clockwise?
418teapot 0.00
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Yes, I tried all the directions ;)
I also just received an Svbony UV/IR cut filter and that unscrewed rather easily.
418teapot 0.00
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In case anyone stumbles upon this thread in the future: Flooding the filter with 99% IPA for a couple of minutes did the trick and the retention ring unscrewed easily afterwards.
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