Does ZWO Seestar need Polaris for alignment? ZWO Seestar S50 · schmaks · ... · 2 · 78 · 0

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Considering getting a star for my travels to the Caribbean but with Polaris so low on the horizon I can’t count on it. Does the star align without it?
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No, you don´t need it. If you use the S50 as it comes, there is no need for any polar alignment.  I believe this is a common feature of alt-azimuth mounts like the one that comes with the S50. Some people has mounted the S50 on an equatorial wedge and that is a different history.
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Claudio Tenreiro:
No, you don´t need it. If you use the S50 as it comes, there is no need for any polar alignment.  I believe this is a common feature of alt-azimuth mounts like the one that comes with the S50. Some people has mounted the S50 on an equatorial wedge and that is a different history.

Thanks! I think I’ll pick one up for some DSO gazing and whale watching alike!
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