Advanced Searching Anything goes · Lightpath · ... · 2 · 72 · 0

Lightpath 0.00
Hey so I would like to use Astrobin to find objects to image with my system.  So I'd like to be able to do more advanced searches like:  deep sky where image_scale=0.8 AND constellation=Pegasus

Is it possible using the current search constructor to do this type of search?  I know the listing of equipment is basically a free for all, so searching for "130mm refractor AND asi1600mm" is probably going to be hard.

Are there any plans around having an "advanced advanced search" where we could basically use SQL to formulate elaborate searches to identify specific objects with specific equipment?  Such as:  "130mm AND refractor AND icx814" or something with value pairs?

Thanks very much, I  am enjoying using the site!

I don't think I'm going to have time for an "advanced advanced search" that allows for a query language... but:

  • Search for "130 ASI1600" should get you close[/*]
  • You can narrow it down to refractors[/*]
  • You can narrow it down to pixel scale between 0.7 and 0.9 (based on plate-solution)[/*]
  • Constellation search is coming soon, but you can search by RA and dec ranges, just add the filter[/*]

Search by telescope type is not going to be perfect, because not everybody specified that. But it's going to be solved soon because the first thing I intend to do with my new found time (starting November I reduce my day job to 4 days a week) is clean up the equipment database.
Lightpath 0.00
Cleaning up the equipment database will be a HUGE improvement!  Thank you!

Those are very helpful hints on how to search, thanks!
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