Original Messier Catalog Anything goes · Nick Large · ... · 4 · 218 · 0

Nicolarge 9.58
Has any of you wondered what the original Messier Catalog looked like?

I was curious and looked for the 1771 publication in France's Royal Academy of Sciences Registries and here it is:

Of course it's in French, and while I do read French, I know many of you don't. But what I find interesting is the way it's compiled. It takes the form of a detailed observation diary and it's pretty short (pp 435-461). At the end (pp 454-458), you'll see a table listing all of the objects Messier compiled up to 1771.

Now, if you want to have some fund, try to identify which object is which
Hint #1: there are not following the modern M numbering.
Hint #2: the first one listed, is the Pleiades (M45)

CS and Happy Reading,
Edited ...
HotSkyAstronomy 2.11
·  1 like
Thanks for sharing!
AstroNico1983 0.00
·  1 like
This is awesome. I'll read it. Thanks.
Astrobird 10.16
·  1 like
Thanks for the tip! 

Very interesting to see how the pioneers worked back then.
Nicolarge 9.58
Olaf Fritsche:
Thanks for the tip! 

Very interesting to see how the pioneers worked back then.

It is very different than what we do today for sure.
It is a very interesting read (if you can read French).
Now I'm wondering if there isn't any English translation somewhere.
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