Hello from Minnesota Introduce yourself! · Tonkabot · ... · 4 · 233 · 1

Tonkabot 0.00
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I've had the photography bug for years, and now I am playing with astrophotography.    I don't know how many Bortles I have here on a farm 30 miles from downtown minneapolis - between 4 and 6,  I guess - I couldn't see the milkyway last night which was cold and clear.

My health has sucked since Covid stopped me from playing Racquetball to stay in shape - although I don't think Rball would have helped my Heart attack, 7 stents, and then a triple bypass.  I am finally starting to get back in shape again and am feeling good. 

Being an embedded systems guy, I am looking into the open star tracker.
MikeF29 11.33
Welcome!  Astrobin is a great place to learn and meet a lot of really great folks…
Michael Feigenbaum:
Welcome!  Astrobin is a great place to learn and meet a lot of really great folks…

I second that mentioned above, Welcome ! I am new to the forum and learning tons.  Welcome !
AirBourn 0.00
I'm in the Jordan area and have Bortle 5 skies here.  There are some class 2 and class 1 skies in the arrowhead.  This season has been terrible - the very few clear skies we've had were terribly cold, windy, and moonlit!

I started with a DSLR camera on a tripod taking long exposures of the Milky Way and the NEOWISE comet in 2020.  Moved to wide angle lenses and trackers and even a slider to take time lapses.  Caught the bug and now have a good deep sky rig.  It's a ride!  Hang on and have fun!
iceyelloweye 0.00
I've some relatives in Minneapolis, one aunt who worked in the building that Mary Tyler Moore show showed in their escalator opening sequence.

I've a Honours Natural Health Consulting Diploma. 

Combatting Covid is just that:

Rosemary tea, olive oil, OJ and lemon juice, tumeric, fennel, but i'm unsure your doctors will approve with contradictory medications, if the surgeries dictate uses. Ginko is always good too. 

Sweating is good- breaking sweat produces the natural anti-bodies few mention.

This soaks the sheets when you've rested, so if you've had this, covid is something your body fights. The oil smothers the bug, stopping the often misdiagnosed stroke symptoms, in my opinion, on a ecommunication network that only allows 20% of communication. I've also been a farmer, trying to follow Biodynamics. 

Taking the fitness level down to walking is OK- ome claim 5 km a day allows proper oxygen saturation. 

Have a good day.

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