Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Serpens (Ser)  ·  Contains:  Checkmark Nebula  ·  Eagle Nebula  ·  HD166736  ·  HD166737  ·  HD166738  ·  HD166739  ·  HD166762  ·  HD166763  ·  HD166765  ·  HD166786  ·  HD166803  ·  HD166824  ·  HD166848  ·  HD166897  ·  HD166961  ·  HD166962  ·  HD166963  ·  HD166964  ·  HD166979  ·  HD166980  ·  HD166994  ·  HD166996  ·  HD167032  ·  HD167033  ·  HD167048  ·  HD167049  ·  HD167066  ·  HD167085  ·  HD167109  ·  HD167140  ·  And 296 more.
The Swan and Eagle Nebulas (Messier 16 and 17), Joe Beyer
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The Swan and Eagle Nebulas (Messier 16 and 17)

The Swan and Eagle Nebulas (Messier 16 and 17), Joe Beyer
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The Swan and Eagle Nebulas (Messier 16 and 17)



Acquisition details



The image started out as just a series of first test shots using a Takahashi 0.73 reducer with my FSQ-106.  I was quite surprised how quickly the system collected light.  I examined the 40 second subs collected the first night and thought the stars had been oversaturated reduced the exposure time to 25 seconds.  In the end the stars are still over exposed to my preference but I was surprised in the amount of fine detail I was able to capture - check out the Pillars of Creation in the Eagle nebula.  The image has been cropped down somewhat to remove a fair amount of uncontrolled light gradients at the edges.  Even so it's a nice wide field image.
